
In der Diagnostik ist die Neuroradiologie mit ihren bildgeberischen Möglichkeiten unentbehrlich, um eine zeitgemässe neurologische Beurteilung durchführen zu können. 

Peter Sandor, Baden, Neurologie

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Gründungsmitglied der SFCNS


Mitglied der European Society of Neuroradiology


Mitglied der World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies


Mitglied der European Union of Medical Specialists


created by IMK

SFCNS Summer School 2024

The 5th edition of the SFCNS Summer School – Advances in Clinics and Neuroimaging will take place on August 23-24, 2024 at the Inselspital in BernThe SFCNS was founded in 2009 to promote collaborations and interactions between clinical neuro-societies in Switzerland in order to enhance knowledge, information, and overall impact neurological disciplines at scientific, public and political level.


SFCNS Imaging Course

The SFCNS Summer School  incorporates hot topics in clinical neuroscience with neuroradiology topics, previously covered in the SFCNS Imaging Course.

SFCNS Imaging Course 2022 - Module IV

Module IV
Saturday, 01.10.2022
Universitätsspital Basel

SFCNS Imaging Course - Module II - 2021

"Imaging in Neurooncology"
The courses will be held virtually from March 4th through March 25th.

Thursday, 04.03.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Keynote Lecture
Update WHO Brain tumors edition 5 - What and why?
Andreas von Deimling, Heidelberg, DE

Thursday, 11.03.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Spinal Tumors and Differential Diagnosis
Tobias Engelhorn, Erlangen, DE

Thursday, 18.03.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Brain Tumors and Differential Diagnosis in Children
Giovanni Morana, Torino, IT

Thursday, 25.03.2021 | 17:00-18:00
Multimodal Imaging and Advanced Imaging Analysis in Gliomas
Benedikt Wiestler, München, DE


SFCNS Imaging Course 2019 - Module I

Imaging Neurodegeneration”
Saturday 26.10.2019
Hotel Mövenpick, Lausanne
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