
En matière de diagnostic, la neuroradiologie, avec ses possibilités d’imagerie, est devenue incontournable pour pouvoir effectuer une évaluation neurologique moderne.

Peter Sandor, Baden, Neurologie

En savoir plus...

Membre fondateur de la SFCNS


Membre auprès de la European Society of Neuroradiology


Membre auprès de la World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies


Membre auprès de la Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes


created by IMK


Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) announced in July 2017 that it’s medical device division is rolling the Pulsar Vascular and Neuravi acquisitions, as well as its existing Codman Neuro neurological portfolio, into a new neurovascular business dubbed Cerenovus.

The name Cerenovus, is derived from the Latin words for ‘new’ and ‘brain’ and will focus on hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke.

The business is being renamed in part to coincide with the company’s $1 billion divestiture of its Codman neurosurgery business to Integra Lifesciences.

Company website